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Why COVID-19 Is the Best Thing to Happen for Advertising

Brianna Cook

Advertising in the course of this pandemic is one of the best things you could do for your business. Due to everyone being restricted to staying at home and working remotely, that opens up more time for people to be on the internet. This is one of the best times to use digital marketing to your advantage.

At the time, many people are on social media and want to see your content to keep them entertained in this quarantine. They want to know your updates and what is your latest products that can add something beneficial to their lives. With technology, they can do this whenever and wherever they want. People are constantly searching for things online amid this pandemic and if your business was to stop advertising, which would be not taking advantage of a less competitive marketplace, you could potentially have someone else capitalize on this opportunity. To start off, try keeping your social media platforms updated with content to keep your customers intrigued. Redesigning your website could be good for this new chapter your business is about to take on. Also, using SEO will be your best friend in the midst of this quarantine.

Since everyone is stuck at home for the majority of the time, people are more dependent on search marketing and social media platforms such as Google, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and Snapchat. Starting an SEO campaign is the best thing you can do during this time for multiple reasons. One, we don’t know how long this will affect the global economy so you should take this time to grow your business while you can. Two, this is the perfect time to reach a new audience and establish your target market with awesome new content. With there being so much time on people’s hands, they have plenty of time to check out your new content. Taking advantage of your audience’s undivided attention is essential right now. Three, if money is something you’re worried about, there’s no need to worry. There are small business assistance programs available to help your business stay financially stable. You shouldn’t have to do budget cuts on advertising at this time. Lastly four, there are niches that are still doing very well

throughout this pandemic. If you have an eCommerce business or sell household goods, traffic and sells are going to continue doing great numbers because everyone is stuck in their house so they want to buy products that will benefit them in their home. Although business-to-business has moved to working remotely, they are still making sells with adjustments to the way they make appointments and sell products.

Advertising your business in the time of this pandemic can help keep you and your family afloat during a time that is so unpredictable.



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