What is SWOOP?
Students Working On Our Profession, or SWOOP, is a student-run ad agency founded at the University of North Texas by Dr. Sheri Broyles and Bill Ford. We hire students on a semester-long basis to do real work for real clients for real money. The money received from our clients goes directly toward scholarships and awards for students.
SWOOPers, as we are commonly referred to, learn various aspects of the advertising and public relations industries. SWOOP provides hands-on training in the field with clients inside the university and out. Though the program is monitored by the director, Bill Ford, the students run the day-to-day operations and handle client relations.
For nine years, SWOOP has given students the opportunity to gain experience handling clients, meeting deadlines, and solving problems in a fast-paced, educational setting. The lessons learned in SWOOP simply cannot be taught in a normal classroom environment.
"Real work for real clients."
What We Offer