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Progressives Direction of Nonentity

Emma Mcburnett

A year ago, marketers were understandably uncertain about what tone to strike with their ads. Was it OK to be distractingly funny? Would somber empathy come across as insincerity?

This year ads are taking on a new yet familiar approach of solidarity, as everyone can agree the pandemic has left many wishing to take a second to breath. Progressive was no different in the decision to find unity in this time. Instead of taking their 30 second spot for their normal charades, they instead stated their case for making the ad… and that’s it. They poked fun at their usual antics, and simply stated this wasn’t that commercial.

As someone who has found the progressive advertisements as a bit overwhelming at sometimes, this ad brought me a new liking to both Arnold Worldwide, the agency that produced Flo and the Progressive commercials; as well as, Progressive Corporation itself. After all we’ve all been through a lot this year.

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