Graduation is quickly approaching, and when I say quickly, I mean QUICKLY. With only a month left until I walk the stage, I find myself reminiscing on my journey at UNT.
In Fall 2016, I stepped onto the campus for the first time as a student. Having no idea what I wanted to do, I jumped into a tour group for the school of Journalism. Although I came in thinking I wanted to be a Psychology major, I had a gut feeling that I needed to check out Journalism.
Checking out the program turned into me declaring to be a Print and Digital Journalism major. I thought this was the right path for me because I have always loved to write, but after one semester, I was unsure if I made the right choice. Coming into college I knew changing majors was common, but I was still terrified to do it. Another semester went by and I started to hate my decision even more.
I began doing some research on other paths I could take that would allow me to write and enjoy my future career. The Mayborn School of Journalism at UNT also included Advertising. At the time, I did not know much about the field, but I found myself being drawn to the idea of it. I went to my advisor and decided to enroll in Advertising classes for the following semester.
I instantly felt relieved.
I began these classes basically blind to what Advertising really was. I had a lot to learn, but I found that learning about it was exciting. After just one semester, I felt like I was right where I needed to be.
College is a place where you feel lost just to be found again. My advice is to go with that gut feeling and make sure you are more than satisfied with your degree decision. This is the beginning of the rest of your life.