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A Future In Advertising

Bailee Baird

When I started taking advertising classes at the University of North Texas, the only thing I was interested in was art direction. I started at UNT as a mechanical and energy engineering major because I thought that degree would be a good fit for me since I love art, building, and math. However, I quickly realized that I was not interested in a degree that required physics.

Consequently, I decided to change my major. Since my parents would not allow me to choose a career path solely focused on art, they suggested I switch to advertising. After my first few classes, I realized it was something I could be good at doing. I’ve always been great at communicating, and I love showing people new things, which is why advertising interested me.

I have found that in advertising, art direction isn’t my only interest; many advertising jobs interest me. I love art direction, and I would like to be an art director. However, I also love account planning, but I had no idea what that was before I took advertising classes. I also learned that copywriting is fun. I have never thought of myself as a great writer, by any means, but in advertising, writing can be exciting and unique because it doesn’t have to follow the high school English rules that everyone learned growing up.

While taking advertising classes, I had doubts about whether this was what I wanted to do. However, being an account planner in SWOOP

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