I was initially drawn to advertising because of the infinite amount of solutions that can be created to impact the world positively. These resolutions could include spearheading a global campaign that takes on controversial issues, or merely providing a laugh to a businessperson on their daily commutes. Due to my background in fine art and graphic design, I am very passionate about work that elicits the positive response described above, while also having impeccable aesthetic qualities that feel appropriate to the project. I know good work when I see it. However, I am still young and inexperienced as far as advertising is concerned. I, like many other students, am continually trying to find resources and ways to learn more about advertising and the people who are creating the best work in the industry. My subscription to Communication Arts magazine has been one of the best ways I have been able to do this. In the most recent issue I received, for May/June 2019, there was one project in particular that inspired me that is an excellent example of the type of work I'd like to help create one day.
The piece is an illustration by Taxi Advertising agency in Canada. They partnered with Pantone to bring awareness to domestic violence that occurs in Canada since Canadians often view domestic violence as something that doesn't exist in their communities. The bright reddish-orange color of the poster was named 'Unignorable" and is now an official Pantone color. The forced connection between the delicate profile view of a woman and a yelling mans' silhouette behind her is the perfect representation of how domestic violence often flies under the radar and continues to have extremely harmful effects on its victims. The drama and clever rendering of this piece have a similar mood to an opera poster.
This piece was reproduced on billboards, print ads, transit shelters, and more, effectively addressing a serious issue in a creative and beautiful way. Work like this inspires me to continue to improve my craft and pursue excellence in my Advertising education so that I can be involved in the creation of meaningful projects that I love.