At this point in the semester, it can be a bit challenging to bring oneself to sit down, study, and work on papers and projects and all of the other schoolwork we’ve been assigned. We may become prone to bad habits such as procrastinating or skipping class. The best thing you can do to combat this is to remember to look out for yourself and practice self-care. Contrary to what you may have heard, this doesn’t always mean eating your favorite food, treating yourself to that new pair of shoes, lighting a scented candle, or letting yourself sleep in or take that nap. Clearly, all of these things are great, and can be beneficial and make you feel good at the right times. It is also important to remember to treat yourself well and spoil yourself every now and then. However, at a certain point, if you overindulge in these things, your self-care can end up becoming a form of self-sabotage. We have to remember that sometimes self-care is also cleaning up your living space, getting to bed a little earlier, and mustering up the courage to finally sit down and finish up that paper. This requires a certain amount of control, and sometimes you may have to make yourself do it. Don’t allow yourself to get swallowed up in your Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram timelines. Make yourself sit down, turn on your favorite playlist if that helps, and get to work. Remind yourself that the end of the semester is near. Spring is here, summer is near, and we are close!