Advertising to children comes in many forms, but the largest is food advertising. Advertisers spend billions of dollars in industries where children are considered the primary audience. Even though children are unable to make purchases, many parents yield to their child’s demands. Over the years, the largest food companies have spent billions of dollars advertising to children. These advertisements have influenced children’s food patterns. Many children make their food choices based off of what is being advertised to them, however, this is not always the best choice for their health needs.
With the heavy influence of food marketing, many children are basing their food patterns off of it. Children are in-taking food that is not nutritionally beneficial to them and unable to understand the health conditions/risks that can come along from those choices. This leads to a poor diet which can lead into obesity in their childhood.
If food advertising to children continues, or rises, there can be serious health issues among children. Children can develop health conditions at a younger age due to their unhealthy food patterns. These health conditions can include, but are not limited to: diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity.
These are not minor health issues, many of these issues will impact their childhood as well as adulthood. Some of the several health issues will only result in treatment and will stay with them through the remainder of their life. For example, diabetes can threaten or shorten the lifespan of an individual.
This can not only impact their physical health, but their mental health as well. Obesity and depression are often linked. If a child becomes obese at a young age, the may experience cruel jokes from from peers with can lead to self-esteem and body image issues. Those who are classified as obese are often discriminated against taking a toll on the individual and their mental health.
Children’s food patterns revolve around promotional items due to the effectiveness and influence of food advertising. However, children are in-taking food that is not nutritionally beneficial to them and unable to understand the health conditions/risks that can come along from those