Public Relations (PR) and Advertising are both forms of strategic communications. Both advertising and PR have similarities and differences. The definition of PR according to the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) is “a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between the organization and the publics” (PRSA). The definition of advertising according to the Advertising Association of the UK (AAUK) is “a means of communication with the users of a product or service” (AAUK). Both definitions involve the word communication. The differences according to the definitions are, PR has more to do with the relationships you develop with the public, while advertising has more to do with getting the product out. Another difference that advertising and PR have is, PR has to do with unpaid media, while advertising have to do with paid media. PR and advertising are different in job functions. PR has more to do with press conferences, special events, social media, speech writing, and the cost is low. Advertising, on the other hand, has more to do with billboards, radio, print, TV, and it is expensive.

What are the similarities between advertising and PR? According to an article in the Houston Chronicle called “What Are the Similarities & Differences Between Advertising & Public Relations?,” John Lister writes, “both PR and advertising are designed to raise awareness of a company or product in a positive manner”(Lister 1). Another similarity PR and advertising have is they target a specific audience. The target market could include demographics, gender, age, hobbies, and interests. PR and advertising also work together in the fields such as marketing, finance, fundraising, community, government relations and other areas. I found from my research that PR and advertising has to do with promotion, whether it is promoting the organization or the product in certain ways.