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The Perks of Team Work

Anna Barden

Looking back on a wild semester as I am about to graduate, I am sure of two things.

1. Who my true competition in the industry is

2. Who my true friends are

The funny thing is, these are actually the same thing. I spent every day with these gifted people from the end of August to mid-December, and it showed me the capabilities of both my peers and myself. Through thick and thin, they were a group text message away. We learned how to work cohesively with clients and on outside projects. I had my graduation photos taken by a fellow SWOOPer, my graduation announcement designed by another fellow SWOOPer, and my graduation cap decor designed by yet another fellow SWOOPer.

SWOOP taught me, more so than any soccer team, part time job, or group project, what teamwork truly is. It taught me how to talk and be patient with clients in the real world, when an exchange of business is taking place. Most of all, it taught me to be excited to wake up at 7:00 or earlier in the morning, and bring something to the table during meetings every day.

No one works alone in advertising. If you are looking to avoid group work for the rest of your life, this business is probably not for you. Although things can get hectic, and at times you might be at each other’s throats, the rewards in the experience make up for all of that and more.

SWOOP was one of the best decisions I made in my academic career. It gave me the direction I needed to further my copywriting career, the encouragement I needed to take initiative on huge projects, and the lifelong friends I will see in and out of the business.

Thanks, SWOOP!

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