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Interview with a past SWOOPer

Caroline Anderson

SWOOP is a place where students in journalism can work on their profession, while getting real experience at an agency. We work hard, and take those skills beyond our time here. Josh Olivares, a past copywriter for SWOOP and current Ad Team member, reflected on his time at SWOOP and why he chose to join.

“I had heard really good things from past SWOOPers,” Olivares said.

“I also developed a lot of my creative skills in Bill Ford’s classes, so I wanted more time under his direction to further develop those skills.”

He also noted that the convenient location of the SWOOP room was a plus. The room played a unique part in Josh’s time at SWOOP, and was a “safe haven for all of us.”

“No lie, we would sometimes watch movies and do homework together, it was so fun.”

Josh’s biggest take away from SWOOP, as I’m sure is for any SWOOPer, is the teamwork aspect.

“I learned that being a good teammate is more than just doing your share of the work. It’s offering to help your team in anyway you can.”

Personally, I would recommend SWOOP to anyone wanting to have the advertising agency experience while still in school. It has helped me grow in my professionalism, and get a taste of what my career could actually look like.

Josh recommends SWOOP for the fun, and education about the industry. He says, “because of that, it’s no surprise that SWOOPers go on to do incredible things!”

"I highly recommend at least applying on our website. From personal experience, if you don’t get it the first time, take it as a push to better your skills and continue to persevere for what you want," he said.

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